2 inch DIA thick silver matted finished ALUMINUM PROFILE with 15 inch 3/16" thick sturdy DIAMOND BASE PLATE
Panel colors available in UV protected CLEAR (translucent), WHITE twin wall panel or OYSTER PINE, RIVER ROCK, SAND PINE laminated panel
90% made in USA, 10% made in Canada, PRICE INCLUDE PANEL ONLY, desk + chair + other accessory not included
EASY SETUP, ship from two warehouse with clear installation instruction
Good to use in DIVIDING any type of space TEMPORARY or PERMANENT include loft, home, office or warehouse DURING or POST COVID-19 pandemic to minimize spreading of virus
MEASUREMENT: Divider: 68"W x 2"D x 51"H (Base: 15" x 4")
WEIGHT (lbs): N/A
MATERIAL: 2 inch DIA Aluminum Profile with 1/4" twinwall or laminated panel
2 inch DIA thick silver matted finished ALUMINUM PROFILE with 15 inch 3/16" thick sturdy DIAMOND BASE PLATE
Panel colors available in UV protected CLEAR (translucent), WHITE twin wall panel or OYSTER PINE, RIVER ROCK, SAND PINE laminated panel
90% made in USA, 10% made in Canada, PRICE INCLUDE PANEL ONLY, desk + chair + other accessory not included
EASY SETUP, ship from two warehouse with clear installation instruction
Good to use in DIVIDING any type of space TEMPORARY or PERMANENT include loft, home, office or warehouse etc
MEASUREMENT: Divider: 68"W x 2"D x 75"H (Base: 15" x 4")
WEIGHT (lbs): N/A
MATERIAL: 2 inch DIA Aluminum Profile with 1/4" twinwall or laminated panel
FINISH: Clear and White
PRICE INCLUDED: 1 L Shaped Aluminum Profile Divider / Partition (Desk, chairs, computer not included)
FINISH: Clear and River Rock
PRICE INCLUDED: 1 L Shaped Aluminum Profile Divider / Partition (Desk, chairs, computer not included)